Zune Accessoires

Zune Travel luggage

Exclusively the Zune Travel luggage made for Zune of devices – too German: Travel package – contains everything that is needed with a trip or a journey and ensures for maintenance during the whole stay. Even if the products are also individually available, it offers itself to add itself the entire set. Enhalten are the following articles:
– a bag for the Zune Media Player: Zune Gear Bag
– Zune Premium headphone with Aufbewahrungsettui
– Zune dual Connect remote
– Zune AC adapter

Music with Zune

For Zune there are, in order to let best sound sound, particularly for Zune developed earphones (Zune Premium Earphones). To play can be also played beside formats such as MP3 (unprotected or unencrypted) WMA, AAC files/Songs. Present data to consequence will have the available Songs a length of 5 minutes with 128KBps in the WMA (Windows Media audio) format.
Besides Zune can be heard also to FM radio, whereby the FM-Tuner is according to standard in the equipment integrated, itself with Microsoft in addition in addition, to improve leaves by the Zune of FM Tuner with autosearch function (Autoseek).

Tipps: Unplugged Country Musik, MP3 Player Preisvergleich